What Our Clients Say

“Ross cares about his clients and his personality stood out to us.  He really engages our staff when they have a meeting.  We have benefitted from Ross’s expertise in the small group health market, as well as his awesome customer service.  He is always on top of things and shows up when you need him.”

– Reed E. Van Wagenen, D.D.S.

Melinda Nickell

“I spoke with Ross Rice and immediately received the information I needed! Great service and great product!”

Kimber Line
our regular customer

“I’ve worked with Ross of Rice Insurance for several years. I highly recommend him to small – midsized companies searching for health benefits that improve workforce retention.”

Rose King
our regular client

“Ross is professional and caring which is important when I do business with people. Made me feel that my family and I would be taken care of.”

Gameelah Eltareb
our regular client

“Ross was recommended to me by another satisfied customer. I was impressed with his honesty and courtesy. I was also very happy to see how knowledgeable he is about the health insurance industry.  He knew policies, premiums, and the in’s and out’s of it all. He made a very stressful and overwhelming decision tolerable.

I would highly recommend Ross to anyone who is looking for an honest, smart, knowledgeable, and a great guy. He has been a valuable asset and I look forward to continuing to work with him.”

Jaswant Chahal-Matharu, M.D.
our regular client

“Ross has been wonderful to work with for the past 15+ years. He is always available and really cares about his clients. Anytime we have a problem that comes up I know I can contact Ross to help!

His knowledge of the small group health market makes it easy to get answers to any questions we may have. The staff feels extremely confident with Ross in dealing with any insurance questions that they come across.”

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